for the DEC

Are you the Jeff Cameron that wrote the STARTREK game for the DEC Rainbow? If so, what a great version of the old STARTREK computer game. I love the added graphics.

Is the source available? What language is it written in?

Yes, I wrote STARTREK for the DEC Rainbow about 12 years ago. I had never written a PASCAL program before, and I needed to learn PASCAL to teach a class, so I picked up Turbo Pascal for the Rainbow, and decided to write, from scratch, the classic STARTREK PC game from the ground up, along with new graphical enhancements. All of the graphic enhancements use ANSI/ASCII standard sequences.

The source is written in Turbo Pascal Version 3.0 and is written in overlays due to the then 64K program section limit of the time. I still have the source, and if anyone is interested in porting the program to another platform, I will send you the source, just send me email requesting it, and I'll send it back to you.

If you have a DEC Rainbow and would like the game distribution, download this file, or you can read the distribution information.


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