

I wanted your opinion about files in a VMS Cluster environment.

I work at a hospital that has a three node cluster consisting of two alpha 8400 and a GS140. Currently we have a "SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file in a common directory. Some of other startup procedures are in the node specific directories, "SYPAGSWPFILES.COM" for example is in node specific directory for two nodes, and in a common directory for the third node. I understand that this configuration is not good, but the system still boots correctly.

The "Open VMS Cluster System" manual recommended "SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM" file should be Node specific with another "COM" file in a common directory for common procedures.

Where do you recommended "Startup Command Procedures" be executed from in a cluster environment.

Mike from Tallahassee

Dear Mike from Tallahassee

That's a very good question, and you can get many different answers and opinions on the subject depending on who you talk to. Mainly, we are talking about four, possibly five command procedures, all located in SYS$MANAGER. They are SYCONFIG.COM, SYLOGICALS.COM, SYPAGSWPFILES.COM, SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM and optionally SYLOGIN.COM if you have one defined.

Concerning your current set up, yes, it will boot up correctly, but remember, should any node not find it's SYPAGSWPFILES.COM file in it's specific directory, it will execute the one in the common root which is tailored for your third node.

But before we go any further, some background on the topic. In a VMS Cluster the system disk is constructed such that each boot node sees it's own root of directories (known as the specific root) and then the common root (known to all nodes). This is done so that each system root does not need to duplicate files that all systems require, for example executable files.

Most of the logical names that pertain to the system disk are what they call "Search lists". This means they point to two or more places. In the case of these logical names, for any given root they point to the node's specific root, then to the common root. So this means whenever a system file is needed the file system first looks in the node's specific root, and if the file is not found there, then it looks in the common root. To look at this structure enter in the command :


Doing this for each node you will find that each node has it's own first translation (the specific root) and they all share the same second translations (the common root).

Now to get to the ROOT of your question (no pun intended). Which root do you put these files in? My preference is to put them all into the common root. I'll tell you why in a moment, but first I'll present reasons for doing otherwise.

First of all, different nodes in a cluster are typically configured differently hardware wise. This is a good reason for putting SYCONFIG.COM in the specific root, and maintaining a separate SYCONFIG.COM file for each node in your cluster. And certainly if you have an alternate page and swap device, or secondary page and swap files, and these are different for each node, one can argue that the file SYPAGSWPFILES.COM also be placed in the specific root, and a separate or each node in the cluster. Finally if your Cluster is known as a Heterogeneous Cluster instead of a Homogeneous Cluster, which means each node is vastly different in configuration and use (such as a different set of users and different purpose like one for accounting and one for payroll) then you could argue for the other three files also being placed in the specific root.

Not me! Even if you have all of the above conditions, I believe it is best to have all of these files located in the common root, because it makes it so much easier to maintain and make changes. Imagine if you had a five node cluster, and you needed to make a change cluster wide. Would it be easier to change one file, or five? If you had five files to change, you might make a slight mistake in one causing a problem that you wouldn't find until a user complained about it. Or you might even forget to change one node. It is hard to keep multiple files synchronized with changes. I manage a 67 node cluster consisting of Alphas and VAXs, with 4 system disks, and believe me, the larger your cluster grows, the more important this becomes.

If you have one file in one location, you only make one change, and you can keep a complete history of all changes in the comment section of the command procedure. But now you have another problem. If you have one file that serves all nodes in a cluster, how do you get the one procedure to do different things based on the particular node that it is running on, or the particular architecture of the CPU (VAX or Alpha). Very simple! Use the lexical function F$GETSYI. This wonderful function can give you all sorts of great information about the particular node you are running on, or even about other nodes in your cluster.

Here are two DCL code examples. The first helps you determine which node you are running on. The second shows you how to determine what kind of CPU architecture your are running on. In the first case, if a new node is added to the cluster, the system is alerted by an OPCOM message that the command procedure needs to be edited to handle the new addition.

$!*** How to determine which node is executing this procedure
"''node' is not known to file ''procedure'. Please EDIT."
$!*** Put commands specific to node SPOCK here.
$!*** Put commands specific to node MCCOY here.
$!*** Put commands specific to node KIRK here.


$!*** How to determine the CPU architecture
$ IF (ARCH .EQS. "Alpha")

This way you can easily maintain your cluster by having fewer files to maintain.

If you have multiple system disks in your cluster, you may want to have some of these files specified only once in your cluster. If this is true, you still need to have at least one of these files on each boot disk. They could, in turn call their equivalent on a master system disk, but this gives you a single point of failure should that master system disk go down. So I recommend against having a single file for a multiple SYSTEM DISK cluster. But each system disk should have one, and only one version of the appropriate file in the common root.

I hope this helps!


Jeff Cameron


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